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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I was just thinking...

I want to get to that point again were my parents have complete trust in me, I know they have no reason for them to trust me except for the fact that I have changed and I wnat them to understand thatits been 2 years I want to get to that point but I understand they may need more time. It is just so hard to have the ones you care about the most look at you in that way. I hope it turns around my dad has excepted it more thanmy mom I wnat her to get to that point...

just thinking about it all right now kind of tough to take it in its just so heavy.


Anonymous said...

Are you Carrie? or is that your sister?

Bar L. said...

Hmmmm. I would guess that your mom wants to trust you but has a hard time because she also kind of wants to keep the boundaries in place. My guess is that she does see the changes, she does trust you more, but its scary for her to trust "all the way" because she doesn't want to risk you getting hurt in any way. I don't know...I could be totally wrong. I know its hard on you because you know in your heart and mind what's going on with you....but no one else can KNOW that so they have to rely on the only thing they have: time. "Only time will tell". Its a bummer but its true. When my son gets home he will want me to trust him. Believe me I want to! I want to so much. But I can't because I have to wait and watch and hope and pray that his actions meet his words. I don't know if this helped or made things worse, but I do know your parents love you and are doing what they believe is best for you.

Unknown said...

It's hard, losing the trust of those you care about. It's even harder getting it back. The only thing that's going to work for you, in this regard, is time.

Just remember, the 'looks' come from the fact that they care. If they didn't care - they'd just let you do whatever you felt like doing and they wouldn't bother with 'looks' or boundaries or any of the other things you have to deal with now.

As a parent, myself, I can tell you that a parent's love is boundless. I can tell you that there is a part of them that will always see you as the baby they brought home from the hospital - and they will always love that baby.

You will always be their baby.

Carrie said...

Yes Anonymous My name is Carrie.