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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Its all over now!!

so the last trial he plead guilty and got 1 year at ocj 5 years probation and life time as a sex offender,
im so glad for this closure to happen right now, its like as soon as a I graduate high school at the end of this month  my whole life is going to be starting over and I cant wait for it.
Thanks to all of you that stuck by me and brought me up when everything else was pushing me down you guys are really what made me get through this.

Just because this is over doesnt mean Im going to stop posting on this blog, because the purpose of this bloh is for people to know that they can survive so ill keep everyone posted on my life from now on.
on that note my mom had her surgery for breast cancer a double masectomy and is doing great!!!

Once again thanks to all especially Barbara I really couldnt have gone through this all with out you youve pretty much renewed my faith in people :)
lots of love!!


Unknown said...

That's good news. And I'm glad you're going to keep on blogging. And as for Barbara? Yeah. She IS pretty special.

Bar L. said...

Make me cry!

The timing of this did not escape my notice...

You better keep writing and stay in touch! I can't wait to see how life continues to unfold.

I am soooooo glad that your mom is doing good to. Now you can have an incredible end of HS celebration!

Carrie said...

of course ill keep you updated barbara which reminds me we neeeed to go for coffee or something some time and have a real face to face talk